Granted – What’s Financial Planning Worth Anyway?

Daniel YergerUncategorized Leave a Comment

Not a day of the week ending in Y goes by without someone standing up on a soapbox somewhere and decrying the financial planning profession. We’re little more to be trusted than used car salesmen, we can’t generate investment alpha, and the fees will eat your returns! Or so the soapbox man says. One rather famous financial influencer has even …

The Passing of a Good Man

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

It was announced earlier today that Patrick Mahoney, the CEO of the Financial Planning Association passed away. I had a good relationship with Patrick, who took the helm of the FPA during a time of controversy in the FPA when a recent initiative had given pause to the chapters of the association as to whether the national FPA organization controlled …

The Death of the SIMPLE IRA

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

You may not be aware, but one of America’s retirement plans has died. Okay, not died (does a statute ever really die?) but it is on life support, a vegetable, or otherwise is essentially on its way out; if not quickly, quietly. The SIMPLE IRA is a form of small business retirement plan you may or may not be familiar …

Recruiting an Employee in a Financial Planning Firm

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm Leave a Comment

As you might have seen, over the past few weeks, we’ve been in the recruiting process to add a wealth planner assistant to our team. This hybrid role includes reception, office management, and data entry. Essentially, someone who can help run the office and support the team while we focus on client-facing and service work. Two years ago, we hired …

Social Security Fairness Act

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 3 Comments

Last week, congress passed and the president signed the “Social Security Fairness Act,” which was aimed at filling a gap between those who had paid into Social Security during their working years but were then disqualified from receiving Social Security benefits because they spent the majority of their career paying into Social Security alternative programs such as PERA or other …

One Step Back, Two Steps Forward

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm Leave a Comment

This blog has been guest-written by our Associate Financial Planner, Daniel Stefanski, sharing his experience in a financial planning career thus far and what brought him to Longmont and MY Wealth Planners.  Balancing Analytics & Empathy I became interested in personal finance for a multitude of reasons. First, it is such a beautiful blend of both quantitative and qualitative skills. …

A White Glove Experience

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

Famously, if you stay at the Ritz Carlton, you get $2,000 in experiential insurance. Now mind you, this isn’t one of those upsells you see when you book a plane flight, trying to scare you into insuring “your very expensive and potentially ruined $249 flight to Boise,” but a well-known brand guarantee offered by the company. If you have an …

How’s the economy?

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

Let me ask you a question: How’s the economy? Interestingly enough, your answer might depend on who you voted for. It turns out we’re somewhat predictable animals in a number of ways. In our last blog post, we gave a politically neutral evaluation of the prior Trump administration’s economic policy and forecast what we might anticipate in the coming administration. …

Trump Economic Policy

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

Some of you reading this will be elated at the election results yesterday, and others will be devastated. With election day passed, today we’re commenting on the probable economic policies of a Trump administration. Before we do so, we will simply note that the best thing anyone can do today and going forward is to be kind to each other, …

Risk is what happens

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

“Risk is what’s left when you think you’ve thought of everything.” -Carl Richards, The Behavior Gap These words from Carl Richards hang over the world of finance in a curious way. Risk is traditionally defined in the financial industry as variation from the average result, e.g. “standard deviation” or the variation from the results you were expecting. Thus, when someone …