Looking Under the Hood

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 2 Comments

There’s some age-old wisdom in car buying: “Don’t buy a lemon, look under the hood.” The basic idea here, of course, is that before you buy a car you should look not just at the outside of the car but the interior and the actual mechanical workings. While this is seldom a concern when buying new (and thus the premium …

The Chicken or the Egg?

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

If you review any nationally representative dataset (the Survey of Consumer Finances, the National Financial Capability study, the National Longitudinal Survey, the Health and Retirement Study, among others), you will find an incredibly consistent data point: The higher the income, the assets, and the overall financial affluence of a household, the more common it is that they will have a …

The New Retirement Savings Tax

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm Leave a Comment

In 1991, the New York Times reported on the remarkable life of Theodore Johnson. Theodore did not win the Nobel prize, nor was he a celebrity, inventor, or even a local celebrity of any real fame or renown. Rather, Theodore was a UPS driver. This was in a time before the internet hit any critical mass or made any great …

Financial Planning by Suitably Best Interested Fiduciaries

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

There is a constant hem and haw to the discussion around financial planning, largely derived from the various interests of the firms that offer it and discontent about how “those other guys” do it wrong. You know the ones. Yet, against a backdrop in which being a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ is compensation-neutral, a constant argument and debate is about how …