Money Scripts – Knowing Your Lines

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 1 Comment

Believe it or not, you have some lines of a drama or comedy memorized. Sure, we all know quotes from our favorite movies and shows, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. Rather, you have a script that you follow day to day in your financial life. It’s a pre-written set of lines that you lean on in times …

The Good of Disruption and Differentiation

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 2 Comments

Today we’re going to spin a yarn about three seemingly unrelated events: The steady shift of investment money from active investment products to passive investment products, sales practices in Canadian banks, and the recent anti-trust settlement regarding realtor commissions. You might look at this with bemusement. “What does this have to do with me?” And fair enough for our non-Canadian, …

This Doesn’t Look Like Anything to Me (IULs Part 2)

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

It’s rare that writing on finance that I get to do a “part 2”. So many topics are recurring topics that, while bearing repetition, fail to be meaningful to write about. Yet, as the old saying goes “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes.” This week, we’re reflecting on a year’s worth of improvements to a specific financial product’s market, …

Applying to become a B Corp

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm 2 Comments

Last week, MY Wealth Planners filed its first assessment and request for review to become a certified B Corporation. Unlike an S Corporation or C Corporation, B Corporation status is not a business structure or tax election. Rather, “B Corp” is a voluntary designation to make not just profit the purpose of the company, but to address governance, workers, community …