Surrendering the CDFA

Daniel YergerAbout the Firm, Financial Planning 2 Comments

In 2019, I completed the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst designation. The designation was created to help qualified financial planners better assist their clients in the divorce process, whether complementing a collaborative divorce or helping clients keep as much on their side of the scale as possible in the division of assets on an adversarial basis. The designation included four courses …

Reducing Access to Retirement Advice is… Good?

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning 2 Comments

It may surprise you to know that the vast majority of financial professionals and companies are not required to provide you with products or services that are in your best interest. We’ve written many times before about these conflicts, but for those who haven’t been long readers, it is essentially the exception and not the rule, that financial professionals must …

Cash Management for Couples

Daniel YergerFinancial Planning Leave a Comment

If I tried to build a rocket ship, only one of two things would happen. At best, I’d go nowhere, and at worst, I’d explode. This seems fairly self-evident, given that I’m not a rocket scientist, and the highest grade I ever got in a physics class was a C+ in high school. The simple fact is that even though …